

crimmp_03, hajo doorn, peter fengler, lukas simonis, the planet of the ancient children, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

hajo doorn: narrator, karin (on planet housing market) alias queen oera (on the planet of the ancient children) alias wilhelmina ohnesorge (on planet am grossen wannsee)

hajo: “i personally like attraction and repulsion: you try to lure people and then you kick back. _not everyone likes that. _with our performances we try to confuse the audience in such a way that it can no longer judge whether the things we do are meant that way, or whether something is good or not. _it requires a kind of virtuosity to suggest that we invest a lot of craftmanship in our performances, without giving the audience a clue what that craftmanship consists of. _each audience looks for a moment of satisfaction. _we want to satisfy it, but not in the way it expects. _we want to detach the audience -sounds ambitious, but that's what we're here for- and provide a new framing. _within that new framework we feed them nice things or nothing at all"


crimmp_03, hajo doorn, peter fengler, lukas simonis, the planet of the ancient children, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

peter fengler: sergeant 2TON (on all planets)

peter: _”audience... _there's a part that gives up, and that disappoints us. _the remaining part gradually enters another space, in which little hold is provided. _a part goes home with a kind of doubt about whether the experiences they had were meaningful or not. _it doesn't bother the part that is not interested in certainty anyway"


crimmp_03, hajo doorn, peter fengler, lukas simonis, the planet of the ancient children, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

lukas simonis / eddie vledder (on planet housing market) alias legomaan (on the planet of the ancient children) alias ernst slagroom (on planet am grossen wannsee)

lukas: _“one of our important feaures is chaos, the refusal to reassure the customer, even though we could. _we don't provide safety nets. _we hardly ever make singular things. _ when you watch a coolhaven performance you know for sure that sooner or later things will topple”

coolhaven is a flexible group that flows in a realistic-capitalistic manner if needed and dries up where fluid is redundant. _since about 1999 coolhaven is engaged in all sorts of disciplines: performances, films, rock music, radio plays, theater, and dry hermetic art