contribution # 1

(m<o>m) men on mikes (amsterdam – london)


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han buhrs, joop van brakel, hans dagelet & guy harries, four improvising men with microphones, avail themselves with wild songtexts, random collected newspaper cuttings & capricious mouth- and throat sounds. _they do their best

“teeth grinding metallic kling klung, like empty trains on iron bridges, and in between there’s these cancan dancing tongues, pretending fun while flip flop flapping along”


crimmp_06, han buhrs, joop van brakel, hans dagelet, guy harries, men on mikes (amsterdam – london), ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

men on mikes | f.l.t.r.: han buhrs, hans dagelet, guy harries, joop van brakel


crimmp_06, han buhrs, joop van brakel, hans dagelet, guy harries, men on mikes (amsterdam – london), ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks


audio fragment 01

performance from the 21st min. 46 sec. up to the 23rd min. 49 sec

mp3 audio file / file size: 2,8 mb / dur: 02:03 min.


crimmp_06, han buhrs, joop van brakel, hans dagelet, guy harries, men on mikes (amsterdam – london), ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks


crimmp_06, han buhrs, joop van brakel, hans dagelet, guy harries, men on mikes (amsterdam – london), ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks


audio fragment 02

performance from the 33rd min. 27 sec. up to the 37th min. 56 sec

mp3 audio file / file size: 6,2 mb / dur: 4:29 min

crimmp_06, han buhrs, joop van brakel, hans dagelet, guy harries, men on mikes (amsterdam – london), ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

website joop van brakel :

website guy harries :