contribution # 1 | VIEW OF RESTORATION - [2016] - 30’50” | gerwin luijendijk

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film, dealing with gerwins luijendijks latest research project view of restoration that focuses on art restoration and examines the idea of the authenticity of the artwork. _by investigating its ethical codes and various techniques, gerwin explores restoration and its influence on the artwork and the artwork’s uniqueness. _assuming himself the role of the restorer he went so far as to question this role in relation to the authenticity of the artwork and, in extension, the influence of the restorer on the artwork itself. _view of restoration also features an exhibition of paintings ‘restored’ by gerwin in the hallway of the building

gerwin luijendijk, jos deuss, gezicht op restauratie, arnold schalks, crimmp_24, ocw, podium voor kleinschaligheden, rotterdam

gerwin luijendijk, jos deuss, gezicht op restauratie, arnold schalks, crimmp_24, ocw, podium voor kleinschaligheden, rotterdam

gerwin luijendijk, jos deuss, gezicht op restauratie, arnold schalks, crimmp_24, ocw, podium voor kleinschaligheden, rotterdam

gerwin luijendijk, jos deuss, gezicht op restauratie, arnold schalks, crimmp_24, ocw, podium voor kleinschaligheden, rotterdam

gerwin luijendijk, jos deuss, gezicht op restauratie, arnold schalks, crimmp_24, ocw, podium voor kleinschaligheden, rotterdam