Like to enjoy culture while the lights go on in the dusky Waalhaven? Bühne de BovenLucht makes it happen!

On September 19, 20 & 21, 1997, Bühne de BovenLucht presented her first three evenings of performances entitled UITZICHT (LOOKOUT) after civil dusk has fallen. The location at the Keileweg 26 in Rotterdam is a former factorybuilding, now in use as studio space for visual artists.

The program comprised five contributions that were performed in the stairwell, on platforms built in the elevatorshaft, in studiospaces and on the roof of the building. The audience moved along with the performances, finishing on the roof terrace. The building was located in the middle of the Rotterdam harbour. Its rooftop looked out on the typical non-stop activity of an international seaport.

82 persons attended the three OUTLOOK performances.